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In Your Neighborhood


I have sat through too many workshops to deliver boring, irrelevant lectures for a living.  Get the facts and get back to work.

SCR Academy:
Facilitated asynchronous professional development courses are just a click away!  Susan's most popular face-to-face workshops have been translated into an online format, which is perfect for part-time staff.  Check out courses today!

The Seamless Seminar:

Introduction to contextualized instruction: what it looks like to seamlessly teach employability skills alongside academics.  Packages are available that include copies of Seamless and its accompanying resource packet, and follow-up coaching as an add-on option.

Coaching to Win:

Get targeted, ongoing implementation guidance for leadership and teams in the field focused on methods for effective coaching in seamless teaching.

Student Path:

Dive into what it's like to be an adult education student in your state's program.  Susan facilitates decision-makers in setting up Student Path analysis and training using critical moments analysis to help drive instructional change.

Start the Conversation

Meet the elephant in the room head-on in the good hands of SCR professionals. Engage in facilitated discussion to begin new initiatives, discuss current issues, and strategically plan for the future in a custom-designed workshop for you and your team.

Custom Workshops:

What else do you have in mind? We'll come to you and disseminate your training however you'd like it. Painlessly.

Recorded Webcasts:
Join us for some exciting new materials for the masses, or get us to create customized, agency-pertinent webcasts that you can disseminate to personnel.

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